This Woman Drank Honey And Lemon For A Year, Guess What Happened Next


This Woman Drank Honey And Lemon For A Year, Guess What Happened Next

The benefits of the combination of honey and lemon are well known in alternative medicine. However, a person who has faith only in the conventional medicine does not believe in the natural treatment.

Here is an amazing situation in which Crystal Davis who is from Australia decided to explore the health benefits of honey and lemon. She planned to drink a beverage made up of honey, lemon and warm water for a whole year.

She wanted to check the results of this remedy and also was looking forward to truly enhance her health. The final outcome of this experiment was shocking in positive ways. Crystal is now taking efforts to convey other people in the world about this miracle and urges everybody to consume this amazing drink every day. 

The power of this natural combo

It is an ancient remedy to use the combination of lemon and honey to cure flu and colds. Skeptical still have a doubt on the power of this combination as the information about how it works on disease is not much popular. Here are some medicinal properties of honey and lemon which will make it clear why this combination is the best thing to consume to boost health.

  • Honey consists of antibacterial properties which make it suitable medicine to treat flu. It nourishes the body and boosts the immune system. It soothes the irritated tissues of the throat and provides speedy recovery.
  • Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C which plays a vital role in the proper functioning of the immune system.

Thus a combination of lemon and honey seems to be the ideal medicine to fight cold. Crystal decided to use this combination to get rid of flu and cold.


The Experiment

Cold and flu were a common issue in Crystal’s life. She was suffering from a frequent cold infection and started taking the commercial drugs. After taking medicine the symptoms of cold and flu would go off for short-term but it was coming back in few days. She came across the information about the powerful mixture of honey and lemon. So, decided to start the natural treatment to permanently get rid of flu and cold.


She started consuming 1 glass of this combination early in the morning before breakfast for 1 year. Here are some positive effects she observed during the treatment:

  • The level of energy in the body increased significantly when she replaced the morning coffee with lemon-honey water.
  • Got relief from issues related to UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) as the lemon-honey water was helping the body to eliminate body toxins and act as a natural diuretic.
  • The appearance of skin was enhanced and the skin was looking radiant. Honey supported the collagen production process while lemon juice cleaned the blood. This, in turn, provided smooth, soft and healthy skin.
  • The weight maintenance becomes automatic process and the combination supported weight loss.


Follow the instructions:

In order to get all these benefits if you want to consume the honey-lemon water then here is a detailed recipe for you


Things you need 
  • Lemon- ½
  • Honey- 1 tsp
  • Warm water- 1 cup
  1. Take a ½ piece of lemon and squeeze the juice from it in a cup.
  2. Add 1 tsp of honey to it and mix it well.
  3. Add 1 cup of warm water and stir it properly.
  4. Drink this awesome beverage first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

You will be able to notice a significant difference in your health condition in 2-3 weeks of time. Drink this combination regularly without break to enhance your immune system. This simple trick will help you to remain healthy all the time.

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