Get Rid of Yellow Nails with Homemade Remedies

Get Rid of Yellow Nails with Homemade Remedies

Colored nail polish can stain our nails, giving them a yellowish color. This is not just an unpleasant aspect, but shows that the nail is affected by the ingredients from the nail polish. Do not ignore this problem if you want to maintain your nails healthy. 

You should not panic if you are in this situation. As you are millions of other women who do their manicure. Normally, yellow nails can regain their natural color fast, unless it is a hidden disease. Here’s what you can do if you have yellow nails and want to get rid of this unpleasant aspect:

Get Rid of Yellow Nails with Homemade Remedies

Use a toothpaste with whitening effect. Put on your toothbrush some toothpaste and clean all your nails well. The stains will disappear and your nails will be brighter. Repeat this treatment whenever it is necessary.

To whiten nails, try a treatment with lemon. Squeeze a lemon into a bowl with warm water. Soak your fingers in this solution for ten minutes and then rinse with warm water. The astringent juice of this fruit will effectively clean all the stains.

Hydrogen peroxide
Soak a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide (a substance that helps to whiten nails and teeth). You can also make a mixture of warm water and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, in which you soak your nails for five minutes.

Baking soda
Mix 3-4 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate with water as to form a paste maintain the nails in for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mix in a bowl equal parts of warm water and apple cider vinegar. Keep your nails in this solution for 15 minutes, then rinse well.

Tip: Next time you’re using nail polish, do not omit to apply a protective base to your nails because it has an extremely important role, namely to prevent the action of chemicals contained in nail polish. This is even more important if you are using dark nail polish.
Straighten Your Hair Like a Pro

Straighten Your Hair Like a Pro

You can say goodbye to dry, coarse and burnt hair if you learn to use the hair straightener properly. If you follow some simple tricks professional use, you can have a healthy hair without split ends.

Straighten Your Hair Like a Pro

Here is what you have to do:

Divide your hair into equal and thin stripes
This first step is very important because the size of hair strands influences how well your hair will be straightened and if it is going to be burned. You must ensure that the hair strands are not too thick and the hair gets a uniform amount of heat.

Smooth it out, do not pull it
If you do not want to tear your hair, it’s very important to be gentle with it. Do not pull it so it’s very important to brush it very well. Pass the hair straightener slowly and gently through your hair and you will enjoy a maximum effect.

Do not pass the hair straightener several times on the same hair strand
If you pass the hair straightener 3-4 times on the same strand of hair, you’re doing more harm than if you use it to a very high temperature. Try to find the right temperature and straighten every strand once or no more than twice.

Useful Tips:

Before using a hair straightener, your hair must be clean. If it is clogged with different hair styling products, you risk damaging it.

Never straighten your hair when it is wet because it will dehydrate and thus will lose its luster. The recommendation is to first dry your hair and then apply a special thermal protection.

If you don’t want to get your hair burnt, you can use avocado oil. It has the highest smoke point of all oils (255 degrees Celsius), so as long as you set the hair straightener temperature below 255 degrees Celsius nothing bad happens. It doesn’t leave your hair oily and it is also natural.
Just Apply This On Your Hair, And They Will Grow Nonstop

Just Apply This On Your Hair, And They Will Grow Nonstop

Just Apply This On Your Hair, And They Will Grow Nonstop

Today I will share an amazing hair growth remedy that will grow hair nonstop, and this remedy can resolve dandruff problem too.

For this remedy, you will need-
  • 2 Tbsp. Aloe Vera gel
  • 2 Tbsp. Almond oil


1.Take a clean bowl, add 2 tbsp. Aloe Vera gel and 2 tbsp. Almond oil together, if you don’t have Aloe Vera plant at your home you can easily buy Aloe Vera gel from the market, it’s not too expensive too.

2. Mix it well and paste is ready to apply.
3. Apply this paste on your scalp using the cotton ball and massage for 5-10 min.
4. Leave this paste on your hair for 1 hour.
5. Wash your hair with mild shampoo.
6. Repeat this remedy once a week, and you will get an surprising result in just a few weeks.

Aloe Vera contains proteolytic enzymes which promotes hair growth, prevent dandruff and aloe Vera gel reduced inching from scalp and almond oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids, magnesium, vitamins E, D, B1, B6, and A, which are essential for healthy hair. Almond oil helps to grow hair long, thick and gives nourishment, almond oil repairs damaged hair also.

You can change the quantity according to your hair thickness, Mix Aloe Vera gel and almond oil in equal quantity.

How to Get Rid of Freckles and Sun Spots

How to Get Rid of Freckles and Sun Spots

Moderate exposure to sunlight is beneficial because it favors vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D helps “feed” the bones and fix calcium in the body. The sun’s rays are helpful in the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis. Psoriasis is a condition manifested by the appearance of red spots on the skin, covered with white pearly shells.

How to Get Rid of Freckles and Sun Spots

But there are lots of cases, when the sun is not as beneficial for some people and can produce skin disaster: explosion of freckles, skin aging, wrinkles, permanent skin redness and various types of skin cancer.

Lemon puts freckles on the run

Freckles are yellow-brown spots. Usually they have hereditary nature, but they tend to appear and multiply during the spring and summer, due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

Prepare a mask based on lemon juice using 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, 20 g of yeast, and 20 g of wheat bran. Apply the paste to the face and leave it to act for 20 minutes.

Onion erases freckles
Make a solution from onion juice mixed with olive oil in equal parts. Use this solution on the affected areas by dabbing with a cotton pad several times a day, for a week.

The infusion of pasqueflower is great for both freckles and sun spots. Prepare it by pouring a teaspoon of herb to a cup of water, and then rub the affected areas at least three times a day.

Sun spots disappear with dandelion milk
Due to ageing, brown spots appear on the face, hands and feet. They arise, in most cases, on the areas that were more exposed to the sun.

Pigmentation spots are prone in women; the most affected areas are the cheeks, forehead, upper lip, nose and chin.

Dandelion milk is obtained by cutting the root of dandelion – the extracted liquid removes the spots and makes the skin shinier.
How to Eliminate Toxins Through the Feet

How to Eliminate Toxins Through the Feet

Whatever measures we take, we can’t really stay away from toxins. Therefore, to keep our health, we need to do regular detoxification cures that will also help us strengthen our immune system.

Besides classical methods: fresh fruits and vegetables in our diet, sauna, and sports, try to remove the toxins through your feet soles.

How to Eliminate Toxins Through the Feet

The principle of this method is based on the Oriental medicine: the toxins are removed from the top to the bottom.

How to do it?

Here are 4 simple methods:

The easiest way to detox is to massage the soles of your feet with a dry brush, making circular motions. Then make a shower to get rid of toxins. Dry brushing is a Russian technique that removes dead skin, stimulates cell growth, improves the nervous system and cleanse the lymphatic system.

Another method is to keep your feet in a basin of water in which you put a cup of bitter salt. The resulting solution stimulates perspiration and removes all toxins through the feet. The magnesium from the salt absorbs into the skin and aids circulation, removing the toxins through the skin.

Seaweeds are also indicated in detox treatments. Wrap your feet in wet seaweeds or keep your feet in a basin with warm water and algae. Hot water will make you sweat and the plants will absorb toxins from the body.

Soak two clean clothes in green tea and vinegar and apply them on the soles. Leave to act overnight and in the morning, the cloth should be black from the toxins. This is the Chinese method of detoxification.

Therapeutic actions:

  1. stimulates blood circulation, regulates cellular exchanges and cellular respiration;
  2. helps restore the normal functioning of the intestines, gallbladder, bladder, liver and kidneys (organs involved in excretion) and some of the endocrine glands;
  3. helps to treat rheumatism and joint pain, gout and metabolic diseases;
  4. eliminates toxins, helps restore the natural balance in the sleep-wake rhythm, regaining a restful sleep;
  5. helps relieve constipation effects;
  6. cleanses and restores the skin brightness;
  7. reduce fatigue
Detox Your Liver and Lose Belly Fat

Detox Your Liver and Lose Belly Fat

Do you have a permanent feeling of saturation? Do you feel heavy and your stomach has grown considerably? Then is time to resort to a detox cure to eliminate toxins from the body. More energy, glowing skin, and a flat stomach are just some of the benefits of this diet.

Detox Your Liver and Lose Belly Fat

Once in a while, it’s good to deprive our bodies of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, food additives, preservatives and colorants contained by precooked products. Vitality loss, cellulite, loaded skin, bloating, headaches, chronic fatigue, stress are, in most cases, signs of a wrong diet with a high content of synthetic substances.

Moreover, experts recommend detoxification cure in the treatment of several diseases, not only to combat bloating and stress. But if you are under any treatment or suffer from any illness, consult your doctor before starting such a cure.

Liquids and fruits are the base

The best time for such a cure is the weekend when you presumably have fewer worries and problems to solve. It is imperative, in this period, to smoke less and reduce coffee and alcohol. Otherwise, the positive effects will not be that obvious.

First day

The first thing you have to do after you wake up is to drink a large glass of water, in which you have squeezed the juice of a middle-sized lemon. Then, every hour, drink a glass of water.

At breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat fruit salad with apples and oranges- and possibly other fruits, depending on the season. Also drink herbal teas after every meal.

The second day

Follow the same regime as in the first day, but this time you can add in your fruit salad, at breakfast and lunch, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.

In the evening, eat light: grilled chicken with green vegetables, boiled or fried without oil.

The third day

A method of eliminating toxins, popular among beautiful Hollywood women, is drinking only fruit juice and/or vegetable for 24 or 48 hours.

Don’t eat anything in the third day, just drink natural juices. And don’t forget about the lemon water in the morning.

Pectin, an organic compound contained by these natural juices, helps cleanse the digestive tract. The most effective are the juices prepared from oranges, apples, grapefruit, and lemons. Among vegetables, the best are those with green leaves like celery, beets or spinach, because they contain lots of chlorophyll. The only condition is to consume these beverages within 24 hours of their preparation, because they lose nutritional value quite quickly.
Hairstyle Mistakes that Make You Look Older

Hairstyle Mistakes that Make You Look Older

Aging is a normal process of life that you cannot avoid. We all try to slow it down by using treatments and creams, but did you know that our efforts may be in vain because of a mismatched hairstyle?

Hairstyle Mistakes that Make You Look Older

Here are some hairstyle mistakes that make you look older. Avoid them!

Your hair is too short
If you want a very short hairstyle, choose a modern one that is easy to arrange and does not give you headaches. Try to avoid the conservative ones because they make you look older.

Your hair is too long

An excessive length of your hair can elongate the face and this is not exactly what you want, as it can emphasize wrinkles. The worst: a long hair, formless, parting in the middle. You can choose a bob hairstyle, as an asymmetrical shape can attract attention from possible signs of aging.

You’re afraid to lighten your hair color

Not giving up that strong black can be one of the things that make you look older. Very dark colors highlight the lack of a rich hair because the scalp is white, and at the same time can visually deepen the wrinkles. Try to lighten your hair color two to three shades with highlights. Or dye your entire hair. Choose warm tones. For example, if you have naturally dark brown hair, choose a chocolate shade.

You don’t try darker colors

A hair color as lighten as the skin, can cause a faded aspect of your appearance. There must be some contrast to give the impression of a healthy glowing skin and to do so, you can make highlights in darker tones.

You don’t know what to do with gray hair

Use products that protect your hair from UV radiation and brings back its glow. If you have more than 50% of gray hair, use a shampoo with blue or violet tones – this way you neutralize yellow hair.

You have chosen to make a major change

Whether it is a strong color or a shocking haircut, changes like this can ruin your appearance. Try to keep a style that’s suitable for your age. Search for celebrities with the age close to yours and show your hairstylist pictures with what you want. If you want to look younger you can opt for bangs. Choose a full or longer bangs, divided into two, to frame your face. Ask for expert advice and choose the most suitable option for you
Losing Weight Will Become Thrice As Easy With These 10 Tips

Losing Weight Will Become Thrice As Easy With These 10 Tips

 Losing Weight Will Become Thrice As Easy With These 10 Tips

Shedding that excess weight can be very challenging for a lot of us. Following a strict diet or even a rigorous workout regimen is very difficult given the fact that time is very precious and equally scarce.

But weight loss can be made fairly simple with a few useful habits which will bring about a complete lifestyle change. All you need to do is remember them and keep doing them as frequently as you can.You will be shocked to see how easy it is to get habituated.

Researchers James Hill and Rena Wing have collected information about the habits of successful people. The advice they have can help you lose weight and keep fat away for good:

1. Always Be Positive

It certainly is no cakewalk to even acknowledge weight gain, but it is vital to know that this is nothing to be depressed about. Everyone can lose weight.Even people who weighed well over 400 pounds have lost weight. So just be positive and believe that you will definitely be successful in reaching your goals. Motivation is key.

2. Balanced Diet

It is very important to develop and maintain a diet that you like, which is also healthy for you. We are all different so the diets which work for a lot of people might not work for us. Keep this in mind while making a diet plan and stick to it.

3. Rapid Weight Loss Is Not Healthy

Losing too much weight way too fast is detrimental to your body. It is important to let your metabolism and other bodily processes adapt to a healthy diet and lower weight gradually over time.

4. Eat A Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is generally the first meal of the day. So it should go without saying that our first meal should be a healthy one. It can be as simple as just eating Greek yogurt and wholegrain cereal to start with. It can also be useful to make the breakfast before you sleep so that all you need to do is heat it up the next day.

5. Get Adequate Exercise

Just a healthy diet is not the optimum way to lose weight. You need to get in some physical activity. Go for a walk or jog or you can even do some basic cardio. Perform one hour of intense exercise. It will not just keep your body fit, but also keep your weight in check.

6. Keep Track of Your Weight

Make sure you track and measure how much you weight. Accountability will make you try to reach targets and stick to your diet better. It’ll be like a competition, just with yourself.

7. Eat a Low Fat and Low-Calorie Diet

Consume food which is low in calories and fatso that your body has to burn the fat reserves that are already there. You can certainly eat the calorie-rich things you love, but just make sure not to go overboard with them.

8. Try to Be Consistent

Treat your weight-reduction plan as a routine. Consistency is what will get you results in the long term. It is alright to slip up here and there, but it is the ability to not back out that will either make or break your goals. Find opportunities to treat yourself too so that it does not become monotonous.

9. Eat Small Meals

Eat at proper intervals of time to come into an internal habit of feeling hungry only at mealtimes. It is ideal to eat 5 small meals throughout the day with a gap of 2 to 3 hours. Be consistent with the timing.

10. Try Not To Watch Too Much TV or Netflix

It is remarkable how much time we spend in front of screens.We could easily spend that much time in some exercise. Also, we tend to eat while we are watching television which is terrible for our general health.

Which of these tips will you put to use first?