Acquiring a flat tummy really is one of the most difficult tasks women
experience. Always searching for the right and most effective exercise
but never finding the right solution.
Yoga has many poses specifically for building core strength. These are
exactly what you need if you’re looking to get a flat tummy.
The best part about yoga is that you don’t necessarily need to go to a gym or yoga class. You can do everything from home!
In this article, I will give you 5 SIMPLE BEGINNER yoga poses most effective in acquiring a flat tummy!
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This pose can be difficult at first. So just focus on holding it for 30 seconds in the beginning and work your way up to a couple of minutes!
2.Bridge Pose
Lay on your back with your arms rested next to your hips, your knees bent, feet flat on the ground about shoulder-width apart.
By pressing your feet to the ground, begin raising your back from the ground. Maintain stability by leaning on your arms and feet.
Take deep breaths and hold for 30 seconds.
3.Boat Pose
Once you feel stable enough, raise your hands from the ground to the sides of your knees. If you’re not flexible enough to straighten your knees, you can bend them a bit.
Hold this pose for 30 seconds but try to go longer every time!
4.Side Plank
Many people only know and do the traditional plank. And unfortunately, the side plank goes overlooked. But this is actually a great yoga pose for strengthening your core muscles and moving towards a flat tummy!
Begin laying on your side leaning on your forearm which should be beneath your shoulder. By pressing down on your forearm, raise your hips until they are in line with the rest of your body.
Hold for about 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
5.Superman Pose
Image credit nomajesty |
Begin laying on your belly, arms straight in front of you. Begin raising your arms and legs slowly as high as you comfortably can.
Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds but each time, try going even longer.
So these were just a few yoga poses that I personally think are great for acquiring a flat tummy. What is great about them is that they are very simple and perfect for you if you’re a beginner. And while practicing them, try to go longer and longer with each pose!