Here Are 10 Signs That Your Body Is Crying For Help!

Here Are 10 Signs That Your Body Is Crying For Help!

Here Are 10 Signs That Your Body Is Crying For Help!
When something is wrong, our body always gives us signs which we should recognize. If we listen carefully, they may save our lives. Go Fit Stay Fit team, is going to give you a list of signs your organism is sending to you.


A muscle cramp is a strong, painful contraction which comes suddenly and it lasts for a few seconds to several minutes. It usually happens on the leg muscles. Leg cramps in many cases are caused by a mineral deficiency (magnesium, calcium, potassium). To prevent them consume more foods rich in that minerals.


We all have food cravings. That happens because our body is lacking specific nutrients. To stop them we should stop consuming processed foods and start eating more fresh vegetables and fruits. When our body is going to get the nutrients it needs, the cravings will be gone.


Dry skin is often caused by environmental factors, such as cold weather, low humidity and soaking in hot water. To treat it you should use moisturizer and avoid harsh, drying soaps. You must also change your diet and eat more nuts, seeds, and fish. Drinking a lot of water also helps us maintain our body hydrate and prevents dry skin.


Every one of us has experienced a headache. It can be caused by many factors such as lack of sleep, stress, cold, infection, fiver or some other health disorder. Try to find a time to rest and calm your body. Also, consume food rich in magnesium. If the pain doesn’t go away, you should consult your doctor.


Brittle nails are nails which split and break easily. Nails can be dry and brittle or soft and brittle. This condition may be caused by many factors such as frequent hand washing, rough treatment on hands and nails and vitamin deficiency. To prevent it you should wear hands gloves, use hand creams and eat food rich in vitamins and minerals.


Bad Breath is also known as halitosis. It can result from poor oral hygiene or be a sign of some health problem like infections. It is discomfort condition. The best solution to this problem is good dental hygiene and consuming more fresh foods instead of processed foods.


Many of us suffer from a bloated stomach. It may be caused by insufficient water intake, constipation, and bad diet. To prevent it you should consume more raw food, hydrate your body and do regular exercises. If the cause is a bacterial infection then you must visit your doctor.


We describe fatigue as lethargic, exhausted and tired feeling. There are numerous of fatigue causes. For example anemia, thyroid disease, heart disease, sleep disorders, and diabetes. For treating it, we must have enough rest, consume food which provides energy and have daily physical activates.


If we often suffer from an irregular bowel movement, we must change something in our lifestyle and diet. Drinking a lot of water, avoiding fatty foods, consuming more fruits and vegetables will solve this problem. If the cause is some digestive disease, then we must consult our doctor.


About 20 to 30 percent of people are born with this foot. If you are one of them, you must be asking what it means. Greek foot refers to a second toe that appears longer than the big toe because the first metatarsal bone is short relative to the second. In some cases, it provides pain and swelling so if you want to relieve the symptoms you can use a flexible pad under the big toe or orthotics designed with a metatarsal pad.

20 Medications That Cause Memory Loss, Stop Using Them

20 Medications That Cause Memory Loss, Stop Using Them

20 Medications That Cause Memory Loss, Stop Using Them
If you are having trouble remembering things and you have taken some of the medications we are about to talk about, then that might be the problem. In the past, doctors thought that memory loss was only a part of the aging process. However, nowadays, scientists claim that memory loss is not inevitable. Actually, our brain can grow new cells and reshape the connection during life.

A lot of people are aware of all the things that can cause memory loss, like for instance alcohol and drugs, also, head injuries, strikes, heavy smoking, severe stress, sleep deprivation, lack of vitamin B12, or illnesses like Alzheimer’s. What most people do not know that some prescribed drugs can also affect your memory.


Unfortunately, the number one death cause in the United States is adverse drug reactions. Actually, prescription drugs cause more than 100.000 deaths per year, and over 1.5 million hospitalized patients that have experienced adverse drug effects.



These drugs are used to regulate high cholesterol levels and they can lead to brain damage. Actually, our brain is made out of 1/4 of cholesterol, which is very much needed for memory, learning, and thinking. Nevertheless, they still can cause side-effects and lead to memory loss.

Sleeping pills can also cause memory loss and lead to a state similar to being drunk or a coma. This is why they do not regulate the sleep that the body needs to recover itself. For instance, Ambien is also known as an amnesia drug due to the fact that it causes night terrors, hallucinations, sleep driving, and sleepwalking.

These ones include antispasmodics, antipsychotics, antihypertensive, antidepressants, antibiotics, antihistamines and other, affect the levels of acetylcholine in the human body, the main neurotransmitter essential for learning and memory.

The low levels of acetylcholine in the body lead to blurred vision, hallucinations, mental confusion, delirium, dementia, memory loss, and other health issues. Drugs that can block the effects of acetylcholine are known as anticholinergics. Some of the most common side effects of anticholinergics are:

-Dry mouth
-Blurred vision
-Loss of bladder control
-Difficulty to urinate


The former vice chairman of the Department of Psychiatry, Richard C. Mohs, made a list of 20 drugs, which lead to memory loss. Here is the whole list:

-Antihistamines – Dimetane, Clistin, Tavist, Vistaril and Benadryl.
-Antidepressants – Vivactil, Elavil, Anafranil, Norpramin, Pamelor, and Surmontil.

-High blood pressure drugs
-Beta-blockers (particularly those used for glaucoma)
-Benzodiazepines – Ativan, Dalmane, Librium, Klonopin, Doral, Versed, Restoril, Valium, and Xanax.
-Parkinson’s disease – scopolamine, glycopyrrolate, and atropine.
-Antipsychotics – Haldol and Mellaril.
-Barbiturates – Amytal, Seconal, Phenobarbital, and Nembutal.
-Epilepsy – Phenytoin and Dilantin.
-Chemotherapy drugs
-Antibiotics (quinolones)
-Painkillers – heroin, codeine, and morphine.
-Sleeping pills – Sonata, Lunesta, and Ambien.

If you are taking some of these drugs, make sure you get in touch with your doctor and discuss the possibility of them affecting your memory. You can always find something healthier.
Moreover, you need to take more food supplements, be more physically active and include healthy foods in your diet, this is good for the health of the brain.


You need to know that also some popular over-the-counter medications can lead to memory loss as well. They actually block the action of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter.

12 popular OTC medications that are anticholinergic:

• Zantac (acid reflux)
• Unisom (insomnia)
• Tylenol PM (insomnia and pain)
• Tagamet (acid reflux)
• Sominex (insomnia)
• Pepcid Ac (acid reflux)
• Nytol (insomnia)
• Excedrin PM (insomnia and pain)
• Dramamine (motion sickness)
• Claritin (allergies)
• Benadryl (allergies
• Advil PM ( sleep and pain)

Over-the-counter medications like Benadryl increase the risk of Alzheimer’s, many studies have shown. Therefore, be careful of the medications that you take and always consult with a doctor!

Early Warning Signs That Cancer Is Growing In Your Body!

Early Warning Signs That Cancer Is Growing In Your Body!

Early Warning Signs That Cancer Is Growing In Your Body!


Before relying on testing for answers, you are already gifted with a natural testing machine: your body.

Listening closely to your body can provide you with some helpful hints on spotting diseases, like cancer, that you might otherwise overlook.

Early detection is extremely important when it comes to cancer progression, so if you notice any of these early warning signs of cancer check-in with your doctor to see if more tests are required!

Early Cancer Warning Signs to Look For
Indirect Symptoms
1. Wheezing/shortness of breath
Lung cancer patients remember noticing this as one of their first symptoms but didn’t initially connect it to cancer.

2. Frequent fevers or infections
Frequently a sign of leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells that starts in bone marrow. It causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells that hinder your body’s infection-fighting abilities.

3. Difficulty swallowing
Most commonly associated with throat cancer, but can be a good indicator of lung cancer too.

4. Weakness and fatigue
Such a common symptom of cancer that it should be looked at in combination with other symptoms to determine which it is.

5. Feeling full and unable to eat
This is a sign of ovarian cancer. A loss of appetite even when you haven’t eaten for a while is a tip-off.

6. Anorexia
Could be an early sign of pancreatic cancer. A sudden disgust for coffee, wine or smoking can be linked to this as well.

Visible Bodily Changes
7. Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool
A common sign of colorectal cancer. Blood in the toilet should be a big enough sign to see a doctor immediately.

8. Lumps in the neck, underarm or groin area
Swollen lymph nodes indicate changes in the lymphatic system which can lead to cancer.

9. Excessive bruising or bleeding that doesn’t stop
Suggests abnormalities with the platelets and red blood cells, which can be a sign of leukemia. Leukemia cells crowd out red blood cells impairing your blood’s ability to carry oxygen leading to clots.

10. Bloating or abdominal weight gain

Ovarian cancer patients reported unexplained bloating that came on suddenly and continued for a significant amount of time.

11. Unexplained weight loss
An early sign of colon and other digestive cancers. Also a sign of cancer that has spread to the liver, affecting your appetite and the body’s ability to get rid of waste.

12. A red, sore, or swollen breast
Indicates inflammatory breast cancer, unexplained changes should be told to a doctor immediately. A nipple that appears flattened, inverted or turned sideways had also been noticed by patients diagnosed with breast cancer.

13. Swelling of facial features
Lung cancer patients have reported noticing puffiness, swelling or redness of the face. Small cell lung tumors commonly block blood vessels in the chest preventing blood from flowing freely to the head.

14. Sore/lump on the skin that bleeds, becomes crusty or doesn’t heal
Different types of skin cancer (melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma) can cause these, so be aware of any odd-looking growths or spots.

15. Changes in nails
A brown/black dot under the nail can indicate skin cancer. Pale or white nails can be a sign of liver cancer. “Clubbing”, which is the enlargement of the fingers with nails that curve down over the tips, can be a sign of lung cancer.

16. Unusually heavy or painful periods, bleeding between periods
A common sign of endometrial or uterine cancer. A transvaginal ultrasound should be considered if the problem persists.

17. A chronic cough or chest pain
Leukemia and lung tumors (among others), show symptoms that can mimic a bad cough or bronchitis. Some patients also reported a chest pain that extended to the shoulder and down their arm.

18. Pelvic/Abdominal pain
Pain and cramping in the pelvis can be linked with the bloating signs of ovarian cancer. Leukemia also does this because it enlarges the spleen.

19. Pain in the back or lower right side
Often an early sign of liver cancer. Breast cancer can also be found through this as a breast tumor can press back into the chest or spread to the spine/ribs.

20. Upset stomach
Stomach cramps or a frequently upset stomach can be a sign of colorectal cancer.

How to Reduce Your Risk

Vitamin D is a known cancer preventative, so normalize your levels through careful sunlight exposure and supplements. Keep your insulin levels down by reducing or eliminating processed food, as insulin levels may influence prostate cancer. This can also be controlled and monitored through blood tests.

Regular exercise not only keeps your body in good health, it also helps to drive insulin levels down. Higher lycopene plasma levels, a carotenoid pigment present in tomatoes and many berries and fruits, have been shown to lower prostate risk in men as well.

Reduce exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners and air pollution. Some studies suggest that long-term cell phone usage over 10 years could be linked to brain tumors, but improvements to cell phones over the years have caused the results to be debated.

Maintaining healthy lifestyle choices by limiting your exposure to risks will aid your body in the long run. It’s not unusual for 10+ years to pass between exposure to a cancer risk and diagnosis so be safe and prepared early to try and avoid any hardships in the future!

Disclaimer: Do not remove yourself from any prescribed medications or treatments without consulting your doctor. Any and all dietary supplements or nutritional products and treatments discussed on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The information contained in this site is for general information and for educational purposes only.
Feminine 6 Secrets That Every Women Must Know To Reduce The Signs Of Vaginal Infections

Feminine 6 Secrets That Every Women Must Know To Reduce The Signs Of Vaginal Infections

Feminine 6 Secrets That Every Women Must Know To Reduce The Signs Of Vaginal Infections
“Pain during s** may occur initially with first s**ual experiences, but should not persist over subsequent contacts,” says Dr. Wendy Wolfman, director of the menopause unit at Mt. Sinai Hospital, and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Toronto. On going pain during intercourse should be investigated. “Sometimes people have pain during s** because they have an infection, or something wrong internally, so a gynecologist should assess the problem,” she says.

There are several gynecological secrets that every woman should know in order to avoid potential vaginal infections.

The desire for s** can be reduced due to the pills for birth control

According to experts, many women who take pills for birth control cause decreased lib*do. This does not apply only to women of reproductive age. Women in menopause who drink these pills to control various symptoms such as mood changes can feel the reduction of “s*x” desire. This is gynecological secret N. 1.

Headaches caused by a migraine may increase the s** desire

Surely the last thing that comes to your mind when you have a headache is to have s*x. But do not be surprised if you feel a greater desire to be intimate with your partner within 24 hours prior migraine’s bothering. Experts find it difficult to explain this phenomenon. According to them, most likely it happens because of elevated levels of serotonin, which experts assume that has to do with s*xual appetite.
Orga*m can eliminate headaches and menstrual cramps

Recent surveys show that 20% of women who have a migraine the pain decreases after an orga*m. It is not the first time that the orga*m binds to the relief of pain. Many women claim that orga*m helps in reducing or eliminating menstrual cramps.

It is easier to infect with STD if you have s** while your periods

Indeed, the period while your menstruation is a time when the chances of becoming pregnant are the lowest. But it is a period when you are most exposed to s*xually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections. This is so because then the acidity of the vaginal bacteria is changing and it is easier for the bacteria to disseminate.

Reduce the risk of vaginitis by wearing cotton underwear and change of washing powder

Vaginitis is a vaginal irritation. It causes a large vaginal discharge, burning, and itching. If you wear cotton underwear and change the washing powder, you can reduce the risk of this unpleasant problem. Also, do not use perfumed intimate products.

Oral s*x increases the risk of recurrence of fungal infection.

Research conducted in Michigan, USA, which involved 200 men and women showed that in women who prefer oral s*x the recurring of yeast infections are more frequent. So, women who have this problem take this information into consideration.
Is The Swallowing Semen Good Or Bad For Our Health?

Is The Swallowing Semen Good Or Bad For Our Health?

Is The Swallowing Semen Good Or Bad For Our Health?


Women (or men) in bed are struck by the famous question – swallow or not swallow semen? Another question is related to this – what happens when I swallow it and can I accidentally stay in a different state? How does sperm work on the body?

A study launched by scientists at the University of Karl-Franzens in Graz (Austria) has come up with surprising results.

Sperm is actually a great weapon against aging. The reason the sex makes us younger is the thing known as spermidine. In male seeds, liquids are found in large quantities. Spermidine has a wonderful ability to restore damaged cells and thus slow down the aging process, and this medicine can even treat depression and anxiety.

So far, we have known that the ejaculate is abundant with vitamins and proteins. The proof of the existence of spermidine is, on the other hand, a real sensation! Spermidine can cure even diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

– This is like finding a holy grail against aging. A milestone for humanity – explained Tobias Eisenberg, one of the authors of the research.

Semen contains minerals, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. Semen consumption may lower the risk of zinc deficiency and thus improve fertility.

To whom it is disgusting to swallow sperm, the same effect on the organism can also be achieved by the consumption of grapefruit, soybeans, and cereals.

This is the worst thing that can happen to you if you swallow sperm during sex

If you have a stable relationship and are sure that your partner does not have a sexually transmitted disease, swallowing sperm will not cause a serious problem.


You can hook up a sexually transmitted disease, whether you swallow it or not. Herpes, Human papilloma viruses or syphilis can be obtained with every oral sex, or as soon as the penis comes into contact with your mouth. If a partner ejaculatory in your mouth is at risk of getting chlamydia, gonorrhea or HIV.

Sperm is full of proteins, minerals, sugar and other nutrients, which you enter every day in your body. It has little calories, and it’s perfectly safe to swallow sperm, but on condition that the partner has no disease or bacteria.

– Any ejaculation in the mouth increases the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease, although there is a danger in the old good oral satisfaction. Risk certainly exists, regardless of whether it swallowed seed fluid or not – said Debbie Herbenik, a professor at the University of Indiana.

Sometimes pain in the stomach and diarrhea can occur, but very rarely. Numerous studies have shown that sperm has the properties of an antidepressant or helps in preeclampsia, complications in pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, swellings and protein in the urine.

Most women do not like her taste and that’s why the end point is that they go to mouth and spit. It has bitter salty taste and contains acids that can be unpleasant for someone’s stomach.

If you have a stable relationship, you do not see others and you are sure that your partner does not have any of these diseases, swallowing sperm will not cause any serious risk.

It would be best for you and your partner to test and be informed about your sexual health. This is especially important if you are sexually active or are changing partners
What Do These Red Dots on Your Skin Mean?

What Do These Red Dots on Your Skin Mean?

What Do These Red Dots on Your Skin Mean?

If you suddenly found a confusing red dot on your skin, put your mind at ease. An angioma is a small benign tumor that consists of blood vessels. The most common kind of angioma is the cherry angioma, also known as Campbell De Morgan spots or senile angioma. They are cherry red papules on the skin containing an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels.

Angioma Causes

The two major reasons for developing angioma are:


1. Age – Many people get angiomas at the age of 30 or more. As a rule, in this case it looks like a small convex cherry mole and is mainly situated on the arms, legs or chest and shoulders. Such angiomas are caused by simple age changes of skin and blood vessels;


2. Health problems or the wrong lifestyle – If the angioma looks like a spot and begins vascular branching, it may indicate problems with the liver, vascular diseases, or a hormonal failure.


What to do about it?

While angiomas are not a cause for concern, you should watch them regularly to see if there is a change in them. If you suddenly notice that a familiar red mole unexpectedly changes size, shape, or has started bleeding, you’d better consult a doctor as soon as possible. Furthermore, just to be on the safe side, you should mention them at your next scheduled doctor’s appointment.

The best angioma prevention is a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. Drink juices and plenty of water, eat fresh vegetables, and don’t forget about healthy fats such as avocados and olive oil. These simple rules will help you keep your skin clean and young, and your body healthy. If you already have angiomas and want to remove them, it’s a routine visit to the dermatologist. Your dermatologist can “burn” them with safe electric current. However, don’t try to burn an undiagnosed angioma on your own – you can cause further complications.

You Have This Herb In The Garden And You Do Not Know That It Cures Baldness!

You Have This Herb In The Garden And You Do Not Know That It Cures Baldness!

You Have This Herb In The Garden And You Do Not Know That It Cures Baldness!

Rosmaris, also known as summeri rose, has been commonly used by the ancient Greeks who dedicated the plant to the goddess Aphrodite. Nowadays, this plant is called rosemary and it’s still very popular.

According to alatest research, rosemary prevents aging and it also works as potent antioxidant agent. It‘s abundant in flavonoids, the compounds that improve the blood flow to all tissues, strengthen the blood vessels, and promote circulation. For that reason, it can be used to treat headaches, to stimulate the hair growth and improve memory.


It positively affects the digestive system and the people often use it for treating constipation, indigestion, stomach cramps, and improper absorption of nutrients in the intestine. It’s scientifically shown that rosemary extract is able to stimulate the secretion of bile, the crucial element in the digestion of fats.


In 1995 it was conducted a study which discovered that rosemary also works as natural diuretic, and that in turn makes it effective at cleansing the liver from the toxic substances. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties cannot be ignored as they are very powerful and they have the ability to treat infections of the throat, ear, nose, and bronchitis.


Moreover, rosemary also cures fatigue and provides relief of rheumatism, muscle pain, and sciatica. For external use, you can dilute the rosemary oil with some neutral oil like sunflower oil and apply onto the affected area. Adding rosemary tea into your bath is one more good way to relieve rheumatism.


Rosemary extract also promotes better blood flow to the scalp, preventing formation of dandruff and baldness.


Be careful with rosemary oil, as children shouldn’t use it. Pregnant women and nursing mother should use very small amounts of it for culinary purposes.


Rosemary blooms two times a year, the first time in April and the second time in September. It has numerous branches, it resembles a shrub, and it could reach up to 1-3 meters of height. It is recommended to plant it in warm places, partially sandy soil, and to protect it from the wind. Make sure to protect it from cold during the winter. The flowers can be harvested when they’re fully flowered while the leaves and branches can be harvested whenever you want.


Uses of Rosemary

  • Rosemary tincture alleviates the symptoms of rheumatism. To prepare rosemary tincture, you need to pour 20 grams of rosemary into 100 ml of alcohol and leave it it sit for 10 days. After that, you need to strain it. You can either consume 15-20 drops dissolved in one glass of water or you can use it externally for circulation issues and for rheumatism.
  • Inhalation of rosemary tea helps with depression. It relaxes the muscles, which also helps with menstrual cramps and digestive disturbance.
  • Rosemary tea is really helpful when it comes to treating headaches. You can use both flowers and leaves to prepare rosemary tea, which is beneficial for treating tension, colds, stomach cramps, as well as headaches. To prepare rosemary tea, pour one teaspoon of fresh/dried leaves into a cup of boiling water and leave it to sit for 15 minutes. Consume 2 cups on a daily basis and remember that you shouldn’t consume it before bedtime.
  • Rosemary wine promotes a proper circulation. To make it, you need to soak 2 tablespoons of rosemary flowers and leaves into one liter of white wine. Leave it to sit for 6 days and then strain it. Consume a brandy cup of it on an empty stomach, in order to improve blood circulation, calm the heart, promote urination, and alleviate inflamed joints, gout, and rheumatism.
Doctors are Speechless ,This Recipe will help you lose all of Your Body Fat in 3 Days

Doctors are Speechless ,This Recipe will help you lose all of Your Body Fat in 3 Days

Doctors are Speechless ,This Recipe will help you lose all of Your Body Fat in 3 Days

Trying to lose weight? Don’t worry, you don’t have to struggle anymore, because I have the right recipe for you, it will burn all your body fat quickly and also avoid you regain the weight you loss. There are many recipes all over the web that promise to help you lose weight, but the only thing that happen is ingredients and recipe. And after that you don’t know why are you losing weight and how can you avoid regaining weight after stop  ingesting all the detox teas that they teach you. Today I’m going to share with you a recipe that will help you lose weight very fast, but before going too deep into this, I feel like I must tell you all the benefits that can come from consuming this drink, So here we go.


This recipe is basically made by a combination of thermogenic  foods. If you still don’t know what that means, I will explain it in the easiest way. Thermogenic Foods are those foods that have the ability to make your metabolism run faster and burn fat faster.

Before I skip right to the recipe, let me explain you why this recipe is so good to lose weight. In addition, this recipe will also:

  • Suppress the appetite  and make you feel fuller.
  • Increase the body heat, thereby speed up the metabolism.
  • Help fighting against inflammation and reduce the levels of harmful fats in the blood.
  • Inhibit the accumulation of fat in the body, promoting weight loss.
  • Regulate the production of insulin, and decrease the metabolism of glucose, preventing the storage of localised fat.


Lose Weight in 3 Days


  • ·Two tablespoons of cinnamon or 4 medium sticks
  • ·One ginger root ( around 3 or 4 inches)
  • ·1 litter of water
  • ·One teaspoon of Honey


  • ·First mix cinnamon and ginger root in a container and then take it to boil.
  • ·Let it boil for around 20 minutes, or until it looks really red.
  • ·Remove it from the fire and let it cool
  • ·Take one cup and drink it.
  • ·You can add one teaspoon of honey just to sweeten a little bit, but only add honey when you are about to drink it so that you get to preserve the properties.

You must drink this in the morning on an empty stomach, and wait 30 minutes before start eating. Also drink it at night before going to sleep so that you burn all the fat that you stored during the day, besides, taking this drink at night will avoid food craving at night which is one of the main reasons many people store fat.

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