You Have This Herb In The Garden And You Do Not Know That It Cures Baldness!

You Have This Herb In The Garden And You Do Not Know That It Cures Baldness!

You Have This Herb In The Garden And You Do Not Know That It Cures Baldness!

Rosmaris, also known as summeri rose, has been commonly used by the ancient Greeks who dedicated the plant to the goddess Aphrodite. Nowadays, this plant is called rosemary and it’s still very popular.

According to alatest research, rosemary prevents aging and it also works as potent antioxidant agent. It‘s abundant in flavonoids, the compounds that improve the blood flow to all tissues, strengthen the blood vessels, and promote circulation. For that reason, it can be used to treat headaches, to stimulate the hair growth and improve memory.


It positively affects the digestive system and the people often use it for treating constipation, indigestion, stomach cramps, and improper absorption of nutrients in the intestine. It’s scientifically shown that rosemary extract is able to stimulate the secretion of bile, the crucial element in the digestion of fats.


In 1995 it was conducted a study which discovered that rosemary also works as natural diuretic, and that in turn makes it effective at cleansing the liver from the toxic substances. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties cannot be ignored as they are very powerful and they have the ability to treat infections of the throat, ear, nose, and bronchitis.


Moreover, rosemary also cures fatigue and provides relief of rheumatism, muscle pain, and sciatica. For external use, you can dilute the rosemary oil with some neutral oil like sunflower oil and apply onto the affected area. Adding rosemary tea into your bath is one more good way to relieve rheumatism.


Rosemary extract also promotes better blood flow to the scalp, preventing formation of dandruff and baldness.


Be careful with rosemary oil, as children shouldn’t use it. Pregnant women and nursing mother should use very small amounts of it for culinary purposes.


Rosemary blooms two times a year, the first time in April and the second time in September. It has numerous branches, it resembles a shrub, and it could reach up to 1-3 meters of height. It is recommended to plant it in warm places, partially sandy soil, and to protect it from the wind. Make sure to protect it from cold during the winter. The flowers can be harvested when they’re fully flowered while the leaves and branches can be harvested whenever you want.


Uses of Rosemary

  • Rosemary tincture alleviates the symptoms of rheumatism. To prepare rosemary tincture, you need to pour 20 grams of rosemary into 100 ml of alcohol and leave it it sit for 10 days. After that, you need to strain it. You can either consume 15-20 drops dissolved in one glass of water or you can use it externally for circulation issues and for rheumatism.
  • Inhalation of rosemary tea helps with depression. It relaxes the muscles, which also helps with menstrual cramps and digestive disturbance.
  • Rosemary tea is really helpful when it comes to treating headaches. You can use both flowers and leaves to prepare rosemary tea, which is beneficial for treating tension, colds, stomach cramps, as well as headaches. To prepare rosemary tea, pour one teaspoon of fresh/dried leaves into a cup of boiling water and leave it to sit for 15 minutes. Consume 2 cups on a daily basis and remember that you shouldn’t consume it before bedtime.
  • Rosemary wine promotes a proper circulation. To make it, you need to soak 2 tablespoons of rosemary flowers and leaves into one liter of white wine. Leave it to sit for 6 days and then strain it. Consume a brandy cup of it on an empty stomach, in order to improve blood circulation, calm the heart, promote urination, and alleviate inflamed joints, gout, and rheumatism.
Doctors are Speechless ,This Recipe will help you lose all of Your Body Fat in 3 Days

Doctors are Speechless ,This Recipe will help you lose all of Your Body Fat in 3 Days

Doctors are Speechless ,This Recipe will help you lose all of Your Body Fat in 3 Days

Trying to lose weight? Don’t worry, you don’t have to struggle anymore, because I have the right recipe for you, it will burn all your body fat quickly and also avoid you regain the weight you loss. There are many recipes all over the web that promise to help you lose weight, but the only thing that happen is ingredients and recipe. And after that you don’t know why are you losing weight and how can you avoid regaining weight after stop  ingesting all the detox teas that they teach you. Today I’m going to share with you a recipe that will help you lose weight very fast, but before going too deep into this, I feel like I must tell you all the benefits that can come from consuming this drink, So here we go.


This recipe is basically made by a combination of thermogenic  foods. If you still don’t know what that means, I will explain it in the easiest way. Thermogenic Foods are those foods that have the ability to make your metabolism run faster and burn fat faster.

Before I skip right to the recipe, let me explain you why this recipe is so good to lose weight. In addition, this recipe will also:

  • Suppress the appetite  and make you feel fuller.
  • Increase the body heat, thereby speed up the metabolism.
  • Help fighting against inflammation and reduce the levels of harmful fats in the blood.
  • Inhibit the accumulation of fat in the body, promoting weight loss.
  • Regulate the production of insulin, and decrease the metabolism of glucose, preventing the storage of localised fat.


Lose Weight in 3 Days


  • ·Two tablespoons of cinnamon or 4 medium sticks
  • ·One ginger root ( around 3 or 4 inches)
  • ·1 litter of water
  • ·One teaspoon of Honey


  • ·First mix cinnamon and ginger root in a container and then take it to boil.
  • ·Let it boil for around 20 minutes, or until it looks really red.
  • ·Remove it from the fire and let it cool
  • ·Take one cup and drink it.
  • ·You can add one teaspoon of honey just to sweeten a little bit, but only add honey when you are about to drink it so that you get to preserve the properties.

You must drink this in the morning on an empty stomach, and wait 30 minutes before start eating. Also drink it at night before going to sleep so that you burn all the fat that you stored during the day, besides, taking this drink at night will avoid food craving at night which is one of the main reasons many people store fat.

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10 Ways Women Act When They Don’t Love You Anymore

10 Ways Women Act When They Don’t Love You Anymore

10 Ways Women Act When They Don’t Love You Anymore

The sad truth about relationships is that they are rarely ever perfect. A lot of relationships won’t ever have the privilege of seeing itself go all the way because human beings are inherently imperfect, and their imperfections play into the dynamics of the relationship as a whole.


There are lots of cases wherein people fall in and out of love with each other throughout the course of a relationship. What people have to understand is that so many conditions and variables have to be perfect in order for a relationship to have a fighting chance. Love alone isn’t enough to sustain a relationship. It takes a lot of commitment, hard work, time, effort, and heaps of good luck.


However, there’s no getting around the fact that people fall out of love with each other. It always hurts whenever that happens. You wouldn’t want to wish that kind of emotional pain or trauma unto your worst enemy. It’s a common occurrence, and the best that you can do whenever it happens to you is to just try your best to move on with your life.


The earlier you can spot the problems in your relationship, the easier it will be for you to move on from the situation. If you can spot early signs of your girlfriend falling out of love with you, then that will bode better for you in the long run.


1. She doesn’t seem like she cares anymore.
You feel like there’s no effort there and that her affection for you is slowly dying. It’s as if she’s lost interest in life in general, but in truth, she has only lost interest in you. It’s as if all the vitality and animation that was once in her life has suddenly vanished, and you don’t know what to do about it.


2. She no longer compliments you on your looks.
Initially, physical attraction is what brought you together. She used to tell you that you looked so handsome when you first started dating. But over time, the compliments started to fade away, and now you’re left with practically nothing. She no longer has that physical attraction towards you, Click next to see the rest of the article.


3. She stops putting in the effort to make your relationship work.

She sees that your relationship is dying and withering, and she is making no effort whatsoever to save it from a slow and painful death. She couldn’t care less about whether you two fight all the time, and she no longer has the patience to resolve any lingering arguments between the two of you.

4. Communication is rare between both of you.
Communication is always the bedrock of any strong relationship. A couple engaging in open communication with each other is always more likely to survive as opposed to couples who shut each other out. When you and your woman no longer have deep and meaningful conversations, then that means she has probably lost interest in you and that your spark is dying, Click next to see the rest of the article.


5. She acts on her own accord regardless of how you feel.
Your thoughts and feelings are irrelevant to her. She will do what she wants regardless of how it’s going to make you feel. If her actions end up hurting you in the end, then it really isn’t a problem for her because she doesn’t really love you anymore.


6. She doesn’t express gratitude for your gestures.
She used to jump for joy whenever you brought her gifts or flowers. She would get all giddy and excited whenever you would tell her about date plans. She used to plaster a huge smile on her face whenever you came home with food and treats. However, nowadays, your gestures are met with nothing better than indifference, Click next to see the rest of the article.


7. You are always the initiator of conversations.
If it always feels like you are the one who is making an effort to initiate conversations, then you should be worried. If she were truly still in love with you, she would also willingly want to talk to you about anything under the sun. She would willingly turn to you for your opinions and your thoughts about things that interest her.


8. She doesn’t make an effort to make you feel special.*
She used to love doing so many sweet and romantic things for you, however, things have changed. She doesn’t care about making you feel giddy and special anymore. She couldn’t care less about whether or not you were happy in the relationship because obviously, she’s not feeling happy either, Click next to see the rest of the article.


9. She stops asking for your attention, and she stops giving you attention too.
In the past, she used to ask for constant communication with you throughout the day. She wanted to always be the apple of your eye, and in turn, she always considered you as the center of her universe. Now though, she barely acknowledges your existence. She also doesn’t ask you to give her your attention anymore because she feels like she no longer needs it.


10. Physical intimacy is a rarity.
Kisses. Hugs. Nights in the bedroom. They’re things of the past. When physical intimacy starts vanishing, you can be assured that your relationship isn’t in a good place.

This is the Correct Way to Prepare Baking Soda to Reduce Belly Fat!

This is the Correct Way to Prepare Baking Soda to Reduce Belly Fat!

This is the Correct Way to Prepare Baking Soda to Reduce Belly Fat!


Even though baking soda can be found in every home, only a few people use its full potential.Namely, despite its well-known properties for cleaning, baking, and scraping, baking soda can be used in various other ways, especially to promote overall health.


Besides the many benefits that it can provide, baking soda can help you in the process of losing weight and reduce the excess belly fat.

We present you 3 ways how to make incredible beverages with baking soda which will help you to get the desired flat stomach.


Baking soda and apple cider vinegar


  • Half teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • One glass of water


Mix the baking soda and apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Consume this drink every day on an empty stomach, before your breakfast


Baking soda and lemon/grapefruit juice


  • 1 lemon/grapefruit
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Half glass of water


Mix the baking soda and the lemon/grapefruit in a glass of water, and make sure to stir it well so you can dissolve the ingredients. Consume it every day, 20 minutes before your breakfast.


Baking soda with fruit


  • 2 lemons
  • 1 cup of strawberries
  • 1 spring of mint leaves (fresh)
  • 2 cups of water


Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend them for 2 minutes. Also, you can add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, as it stimulates weight loss. You need to drink 2 cups of this smoothie a day.

You Are Banana Lover, Read These 10 Shocking Facts (Pay Attention to No 6)

You Are Banana Lover, Read These 10 Shocking Facts (Pay Attention to No 6)

You Are Banana Lover, Read These 10 Shocking Facts (Pay Attention to No 6)

Banana is one of the most advantageous natural products on earth. For a certain something, this tropical natural product is a genuine storage facility of minerals and nutrients, which help your wellbeing on a wide range of levels. Also, it has a one of a kind heavenly taste scarcely anybody can stand up to.


Bananas likewise give a wide cluster of restorative properties. Expending this natural product on a normal regular routine can help with various medical problems including:

  •  -Morning infection
  •  -Visual impairment
  •  -Diabetes
  •  -Osteoporosis
  •  -Despondency
  • -Kidney disease

These are the main 10 medical advantages of devouring bananas all the time:


1. It Promotes Proper Digestion
Bananas are plenteous in dietary fiber, which is incredibly successful in battling acid reflux and clogging by managing solid discharge.


2. It Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Bananas can monitor glucose levels and are particularly helpful for diabetics. In addition, they battle despondency, PMS side effects and improve your state of mind.


3. It Prevents Calcium Deficiency
Bananas secure against calcium misfortune in the body. They additionally improve mineral ingestion by your bones and teeth along these lines making them more grounded.


4. It Makes You A Smarter Person
Attributable to their high potassium content (potassium is one of the minerals basic for appropriate mind work), bananas improve your intellectual and thinking capacity.


5. It Prevents Kidney and Cancer
By advancing calcium ingestion in the body, therefore, anticipating kidney stone development, bananas ensure against kidney malignant growth. They additionally improve teeth and bone wellbeing while at the same time ensuring against macular degeneration.


6. It Fights Anemia
Bananas are wealthy in iron which improves blood quality in this manner incredibly advantageous for battling pallor.


7. It Increases Your Energy
Eating bananas all the time altogether expands your vitality levels. Eating a banana or two preceding an exercise will give all of you the vitality you requirement for the rec center.


8. It Protects You From A Heart Attack And Stroke
Attributable to their high potassium and low sodium content, bananas additionally diminish your danger of a heart assault or stroke when expended all the time.


9. It Fights Depression
Bananas are high in tryptophan which changes into serotonin in the body. Serotonin is a cerebrum synapse that controls your disposition.


10. It Reduces Inflammation
Last, however not least, bananas are copious in nutrient B6, which diminishes joint irritation. It additionally battles type II diabetes, animates the generation of white platelets and improves your sensory system.

Top 11 Foods That Will Help You Cleanse Your Lungs

Top 11 Foods That Will Help You Cleanse Your Lungs

Top 11 Foods That Will Help You Cleanse Your Lungs

Our bodies are filled with organs each one with their own importance, but our lungs are definitely among the most important. Responsible for the process of breathing, they are the ones that enable us to gather the oxygen we all need and take it to all the other organs. But, unfortunately, as we inhale oxygen, we also inhale other matters which can be harmful for our lungs, so a good cleanse is always a good idea!

Our lungs are also the most sensitive. Diseases attack them easily, so they begin to decay. Some things that can really affect them are pollution and smoking.

You probably ask yourselves why lung cleansing when we can do a transplantation procedure? But, we have to be aware that this is among the most expensive and certainly the riskiest procedures of all! No doctor would recommend it unless it is truly necessary.

It is extremely important to take good care of your lungs. Even if you are a non-smoker, there is too much air pollution, people who smoke as well as harmful fossil fuels that we can’t act on.

So, that’s why we’ve decided to prepare this interesting article for you which includes 11 of the best foods that will help you cleanse your lungs and make them healthier than ever!

Cruciferous vegetables

Here, we can include cauliflowers, cabbages and kohlrabi. It has been scientifically proven that when people intake more green and cruciferous vegetables, their risk of lung cancer is decreased. They help us clean our blood which improves the intake of oxygen and improves our heart.

Carrots and Tomatoes
Carrots are full of vitamin A and tomatoes contain a lot of lycopene, two compounds that help us decrease the risk of lung cancer. They have the quality of antioxidants.
Try eating more vegetable salads.

Omega-3 fatty acids
These well-known healthy fatty acids are mostly present in eggs, nuts and seeds. They can also be found in seafood, especially fish like cod, mackerel and salmon. They can especially be helpful because they increase the protection from lung cancer.

They can mostly be found in vegetables and fruits, but they are well-known to be able to decrease the risk of prostate and lung cancer.

People have been using garlic since ancient times. It’s anti-inflammatory and it helps us clean our blood in the best possible way.

Green herbal tea
The taste isn’t that great, but still, this kind of tea contains plenty of body cleansing agents and antioxidants. People who consume green tea have low metabolic rates.

Lemons and oranges
Both of the fruits are full of vitamin C which is known to be anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agent.

It helps us decrease the mucus build-up, so our pulmonary and nasal passages become clear. Our intake of oxygen also becomes improved.

The amazing spice is great against microbes and harmful infections.

Magnesium-rich foods
Magnesium deficiency can cause lung problems.

Dehydration is really bad, especially for our breathing since it has the ability to increase the risk of obtaining asthma or bronchitis.

Try to perform lung cleansing as much as you can. You’ll see that you’ll feel better and you’ll avoid any breathing difficulty or lung disease. Being happy means being healthy, so make sure you stay out of bad habits like for example, smoking. Consume these 11 foods every day and your health will be in optimal shape!
How Your Nails Warn You About Serious Health Conditions

How Your Nails Warn You About Serious Health Conditions

How Your Nails Warn You About Serious Health Conditions

Most people don’t give a lot of thought to their fingernails beyond clipping or painting. However, the shape, texture and color of your nails can all be warning signs for serious conditions, including cancer. While some nail symptoms are harmless, others can be indicative of chronic diseases.


Most people don’t give a lot of thought to their fingernails beyond clipping or painting. However, the shape, texture and color of your nails can all be warning signs for serious conditions, including cancer. While some nail symptoms are harmless, others can be indicative of chronic diseases.


The American Academy of Dermatology notes that changes in nails, such as discoloration or thickening, can point to health problems including liver and kidney diseases, heart and lung conditions, anemia and diabetes.


If you notice any major changes on your nails see a dermatologist right away. While it might be nothing, it could point to a serious underlying condition.


1. Yellow Fingernails

While your fingernails may become yellow with age, due to smoking, or frequent use of nail polish, if they are also thicker and crumbly besides being yellow, a fungal infection is the most likely culprit.

In rare cases yellow fingernails can be related to thyroid disease, diabetes, or psoriasis.


2. Cracked or Brittle Nails

Your nails can become cracked and brittle if you use nail polish remover frequently, or are exposed to chemicals (such as cleaning products).

However, cracking and splitting can also be a sign of a fungal infection or thyroid disease, particularly hypothyroidism. Brittle nails may point to a deficiency in vitamins A, B or C.


3. Clubbing

If your fingertips become enlarged and the nail becomes curved downward, it may be a sign of clubbing. It can point to low oxygen in your blood, associated with lung disease. In extreme cases, it can be related to liver or kidney disease, heart disease, or even AIDS.


4. White Spots

These small white spots are usually the result of nail trauma and are not a cause for concern. They will disappear on their own. However, if they don’t go away, you might be dealing with a fungal infection.


5. Horizontal Ridges

Horizontal ridges, also known as Beau’s lines, are typically the result of direct trauma to the nail. They can, however, be a symptom of a more concerning condition if they appear on more than one nail at a time. These conditions include psoriasis, uncontrolled diabetes, circulatory disease and severe zinc deficiency.

There is a more serious type of horizontal lines, known as Mees’ lines. They are horizontal discolorations due to arsenic poisoning, Hodgkin’s disease, malaria, leprosy, or carbon monoxide poisoning.


6. Vertical Ridges

If you notice vertical ridges appearing in your nails that you didn’t have before, it’s probably nothing more than a side effect of aging. They’re equivalent to getting wrinkles in your skin and usually don’t appear until around the age of 50. Occasionally, nail ridges may be due to nutrient deficiencies, including vitamin B12 and magnesium.


7. Spoon Nails

This deformity is definitely visible enough to catch your immediate attention. Known as “spoon nails”, they most commonly appear due to an iron deficiency. The nail gets so thin that it becomes concave.

If you notice this, have some lab work done to determine if anemia is the issue. Other causes include working with petroleum-based products or trauma. In very rare circumstances, spoon nails can be associated with thyroid disease and heart conditions.


8. Pitting

Multiple pits or dents in fingernails is often a sign of psoriasis. However, nail pitting may also be due to connective tissue disorders or alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss.


9. Dark Discolorations

Any sort of asymmetric pigmentation can be a sign of skin cancer, but melanoma on nails (called subungual melanoma) usually looks like a pigmented vertical band stretching upward from the cuticle. If a brownish streak on your nail bed shows up suddenly or changes in appearance, see a dermatologist as soon as possible.


10. White Nails with a Strip of Pink (Terry’s Nails)

If you notice your nails become mostly white with a narrow pink strip at the top, known as Terry’s nails, it could be a sign of liver disease, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, or diabetes. But do not enter panic mode right away, Terry’s nails may appear due to aging.


11. Claws and Fur

If you notice that your fingernails are turning into claws and you are starting to grow fur on your hands paws, you are either a cat, or suffering from a very rare disease called clinical lycanthropy (not to be confused with werewolf syndrome). However, these symptoms can also be the result of old age.

Disclosure: While we did try to end the article on a humorous note, please take any symptoms seriously and visit your dermatologist whenever you notice drastic changes on your nails.

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally In Just One Week

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally In Just One Week

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Naturally In Just One Week


As you age and laugh, cry and enjoy life altogether your face is going to preserve each of your precious moments in the form of a wrinkle. They say wrinkles are a trademark of happy people, but even, so, you want to get rid of them.

There are many products on the market which claim to erase wrinkles, but few, if any work; besides, they are rich in chemicals. What’s the alternative?

Your very own, 100% natural cream – homemade! In only 7 days your face will be wrinkle free!


Benefits of the home-made wrinkle cream

  • It’s easy to prepare
  • All the ingredients are cheap and you already have them in your kitchen
  • The cream is moisturising, removing wrinkles by hydrating the skin, not stuffing it with chemicals
  • The cream can be used on any type of skin
  • It will give you long term benefits, but you will notice the difference in just 7 days



  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon of honey



    Mix all the ingredients until you have a smooth paste, then transfer them into a jar.
    Store the cream in the fridge.


How to use the cream

Wash your face with warm water and then apply the cream all over your face, massaging it gently. The best time for applying this cream is right before bedtime, so go to sleep with the cream on. In the morning, wash your face and enjoy the smooth and silky feeling.